Adrenalin seekers attention!
HCW - Hungarian Championship Wrestling - presents his hair-raising Pankration SuperShow, Hungary's blast live show with Éva Horváth the renowned emcee of the Viasat 6 channel. Pankration lovers of Szeged who want to let the steam out and emit their agression while rooting for their favorite player can have the opportunity to chill out in May. Szeged's ice-rink will host a perfect place for the Championship and all those who freneticly enjoy this hardcore sport. So if you have a cold feet and feel jittered there is no better place to go than to Szeged's famous Pankration show. Have a rest in Szeged and visit this programme which will be an outlet for your stress and superfluous energy. Play a memorable part in a new era, the time of Hungarian entertaining sport life!
Pankration is a martial art which was introduced in the Greek Olymic Games in 648 BC and was founded as a blend of boxing and wrestling but with almost no rules (disallowing biting and gouging the opponent's eyes out). The roots of MMAs (Mixed Martial Arts) like kickbox, boxing, wrestling, cage fighting, taekwando or judo can be traced back to Pankration. Nowadays it is not recognized as an Olympic sport, however several attempts were made to involve it in the 2004 Olympic Games of Athens as a "demonstration sport". unfortunately these efforts were unsuccessful. :(
So remember: 11th May 2012 8pm - make sure you have nothing else to do that day! :D
Where to go? - Ice-Rink of Szeged - 6729 Szeged, Szabadkai út 80.
Ticket Prices: Adult: 1800 HUF
Student: 1400 HUF
You can buy tickets at:
- REÖK Palace - 6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 56.
- Szeged, Gutenberg u. 5.
- Makó, Szegedi u. 9-13.
- Szentes, Kossuth u. 8.
- Hódmezővásárhely, Kinizsi u. 27.